Journal of Geography in Higher Education(2023) |
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整理人:王辰乾 |
47(1), 2023 (更新时间:2023.03.07) |
1. |
[1] David
Higgit. Editorial:
they think it’s all over… [J]. Journal of Geography in
Higher Education, 2023, 47(1): 1-8. |
2. |
[2] Kenneth
J. Gregory, John Lewin. Big
ideas in the geography curriculum: nature, awareness and need [J].
Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2021, 47(1): 9-28. |
3. |
[3] Sarah
Peck. Beyond
knowledge exchange: doctoral training, collaborative research and reflective
pedagogies in human geography [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher
Education, 2021, 47(1): 29-36. |
4. |
[4] A.
Golightly. Building
bridges: the impact of scaffolds in PBL on the learning of South African
pre-service geography teachers [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher
Education, 2021, 47(1): 37-55. |
5. |
[5] Claire
Steyn, Ashley Gunter. When
an international student stays at home: defining an international student in
distance education [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2021,
47(1): 56-70. |
6. |
[6] Alan
P. Marcus. Using
“Autogeography,” sense of place and place-based approaches in
the pedagogy of geographic thought [J]. Journal of
Geography in Higher Education, 2021, 47(1): 71-84. |
7. |
[7] Juan
Antonio García-González, Alejandro Gómez-Gonçalves, Isabel María Gómez-Trigueros, et al. Geographic
literacy in spain with mental maps [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher
Education, 2021, 47(1): 85-105. |
8. |
[8] Leticia
Serrano-Estrada, Tania Josephine Martin, Pablo Marti. Understanding
city dynamics: using geolocated social media in a problem-based activity as
an investigative tool to enhance student learning [J]. Journal of
Geography in Higher Education, 2021, 47(1): 106-127. |
9. |
[9] Holly
White, Cory T. Forbes. An
investigation of undergraduate students’
spatial thinking about groundwater [J]. Journal of
Geography in Higher Education, 2021, 47(1): 128-148. |
10. |
[10] Lynda Dunlop, Elizabeth A. C.
Rushton, Lucy Atkinson, et al. An
introduction to the co-creation of policy briefs with youth and academic
teams [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2021, 47(1):
149-159. |
47(2), 2023 (更新时间:2023.05.10) |
11. |
12. |
[2] Min
Wang, Jiaxian Wu, Ning An, et al. The
effect of emotional experiences in fieldwork: embodied evidence from a visual
approach [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2021, 47(2):
188-209. |
13. |
[3] Yanna
Xie, Genghe Gao, Ning Niu, et al. Exploration
and practice of the use of mobile devices to assist in general geological
field practice [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2021,
47(2): 210-226. |
14. |
[4] Shivani
Singh, Jessica Pykett, Peter Kraftl, et al. Understanding
the ‘degree awarding gap’ in geography, planning, geology and
environmental sciences in UK higher education through peer research
[J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022, 47(2): 227-247. |
15. |
[5] Heather Sangster. The
use of “writing retreats” in supporting geography and environmental
science undergraduate independent research projects [J].
Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2021, 47(2): 248-268. |
16. |
[6] Chao
Ye, Xiaodan Zhu, Scott N. Lieske. Speaking
your feelings in the moment: teaching geographic thought with emotion
[J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2021, 47(2): 269-284. |
17. |
[7] Zsuzsa
Császár, Istvan Tarrosy, Gabor Dobos, et al. Changing
geopolitics of higher education: economic effects of inbound international
student mobility to Hungary [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher
Education, 2022, 47(2): 285-310. |
18. |
[8] Paul
N. Wright, Malcolm Whitworth, Alessandro Tibaldi, et al. Student
evaluations of using virtual reality to investigate natural hazard field
sites [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022, 47(2):
311-329. |
19. |
[9] Theresa
G. Mercer, Andrew P. Kythreotis, Joseph Harwood, et al. The
benefits of virtual fieldtrips for future-proofing geography teaching and
learning [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022, 47(2):
330-338. |
20. |
[10] Yanan Li, Samantha Krause, Aidan McLendon, et
al. Teaching
a geography field methods course amid the COVID-19 pandemic: reflections and
lessons learned [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022,
47(2): 339-348. |
47(3), 2023 (更新时间:2023.06.29) |
21. |
[1] Hyerim
Yoon, Margot Mecca. Fieldwork
from desktop: webdoc for teaching in the time of pandemic [J]. Journal of
Geography in Higher Education, 2022, 47(3): 349-368. |
22. |
[2] Alison
Copeland, Simon Tate. Anthropogenic
emissions or just a lot of hot air? Using air pollution to teach quantitative
methods to “mathophobic” first-year geography students
[J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022, 47(3): 369-380. |
23. |
[3] Duncan
Whyatt, Gemma Davies, Gordon Clark. Going
solo: students’ strategies for coping with
an independent GIS project [J]. Journal of Geography in
Higher Education, 2022, 47(3): 381-398. |
24. |
[4] Keunhyun
Park, Anna Farb, Benjamin George. Effectiveness
of visual communication and collaboration tools for online GIS teaching:
using Padlet and Conceptboard [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher
Education, 2022, 47(3): 399-410. |
25. |
[5] Derek H. Alderman, Bethany Craig, Joshua Inwood, et al. The
1964 freedom schools as neglected chapter in Geography education [J].
Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022, 47(3): 411-431. |
26. |
[6] Cleilton
Sampaio Farias, Ricardo Antunes Dantas de Oliveira, Maurício Roberto Motta
Pinto Luz. A
problem-based learning course to teach Brazilian biology students about the
viral hepatitis from a health geography perspective [J]. Journal of
Geography in Higher Education, 2022, 47(3): 432-450. |
27. |
[7] Hannah
Arnold, Carsten Felgentreff, Martin Franz, et al. The
effects of interdisciplinarity and internationality of group compositions in
student fieldwork [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022,
47(3): 451-466. |
28. |
[8] Alejandro
Cascante-Campos. Adopting
and using geospatial technologies for teaching geography in Latin American
higher education [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022,
47(3): 467-484. |
29. |
[9] Russell
Fielding. Teaching
The Tragedy of the Commons through an Iterative, Performance-based, Embodied
Cognition Pedagogy [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022,
47(3): 485-501. |
30. |
[10]William Cox, Anoushka
Alexander, Harry West, et al. How
to thrive when studying online [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher
Education, 2022, 47(3): 502-511. |
47(4), 2023 (更新时间:2024.01.04) |
31. |
[1] Trevor
D. Collins, Christopher L. Atchison, Steven J. Whitmeyer. A
critical incident analysis of inclusive fieldwork with students as
co-researchers [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022,
47(4): 513-532. |
32. |
[2] Therese
Kenna. Podcasting
urban geographies: examining the utility of student-generated research
podcasts for deep learning and education for sustainable development [J].
Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022, 47(4): 533-552. |
33. |
[3] Abigail
Upton, Deborah Sporton. The
role of social enterprise in student employability: the case of SIDshare, a
co-curricular student led social enterprise [J]. Journal of Geography in
Higher Education, 2022, 47(4): 553-568. |
34. |
[4] Cadey
Korson. A
place-based approach to blended learning [J]. Journal of Geography in
Higher Education, 2022, 47(4): 569-588. |
35. |
[5] Rebecca Croog, Carol B. Brandt, Dirk Kinsey, et al. A
studio approach to teaching biosocial convergence science [J]. Journal of
Geography in Higher Education, 2022, 47(4): 589-612. |
36. |
[6] Tom
D. Pering, Luke Temple. Engaging
geography students through innovation in statistics teaching [J]. Journal
of Geography in Higher Education, 2022, 47(4): 613-636. |
37. |
[7] Reecia
Orzeck. Teaching
information literacy in an undergraduate class on the geography of the Middle
East [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022, 47(4): 637-663. |
38. |
[8] Geoffery
Z. Kohe, Nicholas Wise. Spatialising
Sport Management [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2023,
47(4): 664-676. |
39. |
[9] Sarah
Praskievicz. Field-based
local stream research in undergraduate classes: an inquiry-based approach
[J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022, 47(4): 677-684. |
40. |
[10] Matthew S. O’Banion, Nicholas S. Lewis, Michael
W. Boyce, et al. Use
of an augmented reality sand table for satellite remote sensing education
[J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022, 47(4): 685-696. |
47(5), 2023 (更新时间:2024.01.04) |
41. |
[1] Matej
Blazek, Alison Stenning. Teaching
and learning emotional geographies [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher
Education, 2023, 47(5): 697-705. |
42. |
[2] Katherine
Burlingame. Learning
by feeling: excursions into the affective landscape [J]. Journal of
Geography in Higher Education, 2021, 47(5): 706-718. |
43. |
[3] Pauline
Guinard, Jean-Baptiste Lanne. Emotions
from and beyond the classroom. An experiment in teaching and sharing
emotional methodologies in a geography course [J]. Journal of Geography
in Higher Education, 2021, 47(5): 719-736. |
44. |
[4] Natascha
Klocker, Charles Gillon, Leah Gibbs, et al. Hope
and grief in the human geography classroom [J]. Journal of Geography in
Higher Education, 2021, 47(5): 737-754. |
45. |
[5] Matej Blazek, Alison Stenning. Neoliberal
subjectivities and the teaching and learning of emotional geographies
[J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2022, 47(5): 755-772. |
46. |
[6] Felicitas
Kuebler, Tobias Schopper. Teaching
geographies of the far-right in Germany – conceptualising hate and fear as
didactic challenges [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2021,
47(5): 773-791. |
47. |
[7] Patricia
J. Lopez. For
a pedagogy of hope: imagining worlds otherwise [J]. Journal of Geography
in Higher Education, 2022, 47(5): 792-804. |
48. |
[8] Naomi
Millner. Unsettling
feelings in the classroom: scaffolding pedagogies of discomfort as part of
decolonising human geography in higher education [J]. Journal of
Geography in Higher Education, 2021, 47(5): 805-824. |
49. |
[9] David
K. Seitz. Playing
with Star Trek in the critical geography classroom: STEM education and
otherwise possibilities [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher Education,
2021, 47(5): 825-838. |
50. |
[10] Sam Staddon, Clare Barnes, Jia Yen Lai, et al. A
“Token of Love”: the role of emotions in student field trips teaching
critical development geographies [J]. Journal of Geography in Higher
Education, 2021, 47(5): 839-856. |